Our ancestors have a saying ‘Early bird catches the worm’ as we can interpret it today   “Early coders catch the worm’.

There are one million teacher and seventeen million students in our beautiful country. Children will take their place as active adults in the society within 10-15 years. As being today’s adult, it’s my responsibility to prepare these children today for the new system in the future since the things we will experience in the next 10 years will lead to an important technological development which will determine their whole life.

Each era used educational methods of their own. Using technology should be our main objective when we are educating our children who are called as ‘Generation Z’ and they will be the active adults of the 21th century.

Our goal is to educate a generation who is curios, can ask analytical questions, is not afraid of making mistakes, can think about what they can do as different from the others, creative. In order to achieve this goal, the first thing we should do is to play games with them. By directing our children, who supply the most natural impulse  of human being such as the need for being accepted and controlling through social media and games, to right games we help them in supplying their needs. In this way, the technology is also added inside the education.

By teaching children how to use Code.org, Codemonkey, Kodu Game Lab., Kodable, Scratch, mBlock, Arduino (electronic card) and sensor (robotic material) it is possible to transform the individuals into someone  who has the personal qualities such as technology lover, can read and write codes, multidisciplinary, team worker, designer, has the passion for discovery.

The idea of creating a difference in children’s life has always been in the forefront in my life.   In this point, for me; “AliKesfet.org” has become the source which has improved my vision and fed my soul with the sincere compliments I got from the children who I support.

I believe that the Project ‘AliKesfet.org’ will be an important contribution in raising awareness in the field of coding and robotics for our teachers and our children.  I am so happy for being the supporter of such a bright Project.


Coding and Robotic Teacher

www.kodlamaevi.com  Founder


My Way Story About Coding and Robotic Education

 ALI KESFET (www.alikesfet.org) is a “SOCIAL ENTERPRISE” project.

Social entrepreneurs generate permanent solutions by using the principles of entrepreneurship in order to eliminate this problem or eliminate the need by determining a social problem or need in the surrounding environment. As an economic entrepreneur establishes new industries or business areas, social entrepreneurs also approach innovative solutions to social problems and apply these solutions on a broad scale.

How did it start?

  • Emin Çapa: “Why is there no water lifting force in Turkish Baths? “
  • WHAT CAN WE do for our country?
  • Research (what happens in the world?)
  • CODING (Language of the future)
  • Turkish Airlines Data Processing Center employees gather in their spare time and start working for the spread of coding in Turkey.
  • A place is rented and regular meetings start on weekdays to gather and work.
  • Formation is given a name: ALI DISCOVER (Ali Keşfet)
  • The developments in the world are closely followed and the information that is learned is conveyed to the eagerly idealistic teachers who are willing to teach.
  • Free tutoring starts at schools.
  • Free educational materials are sent to the schools in Anatolia region by volunteers.
  • ROBOTIC studies, which is the next step of coding, begin.
  • It is seen that the robotic training products are monopolized in the world and training materials are very expensive.
  • AR-GE studies are started for the production of alternative education materials.
  • Ali’s Robotics training materials, that are similar to those in the world but even better but much cheaper, emerge. For example; Training kit compatible with Arduino for coding, obstructed robot, line follower robot, sumo robot, Tuş Yap – make key (similar to makey makey but much cheaper and advanced), fire-fighting robot etc… and we are developing a software compatible with Arduino and all sensors. You know some sensors and robotic materials do not work in mBlock program.
  • Manufacture and sale of these materials require corporatization.
  • A non-profit company, that uses the revenue from sales to meet production costs and fixed costs, is established.
  • kodlamaevi.com I set up a website. I published all the solutions of code.org for free on that website. My goal is to reach out more students and teachers. Nowadays I prepare the documents about coding education without a computer in order to publish on my website. My short term goal is to publish educational videos about Scratch & mBlock on my website.
  • Since August 2015, I have been in communication with school administrators, teachers, students and parents in my surrounding voluntarily and I’ve been giving educational and material support about the coding and robotics education. My only goal is to raise awareness about coding and robotic education in the country.


Coding and Robotic Teacher

www.alikesfet.org Founder Member